Ghost Test

Take this test to see if you have ever seen a spirit or a ghost.

1. Have you ever known the phone was going to ring before it rang?

Yes___ No___

2. Have you ever felt a sudden chill in a room, when there was no apparent reason?

Yes___ No___

3. Have you ever seen anything that could not be explained by science and logic?

Yes___ No___

4. Have you ever felt you were being watched when you were alone?

Yes___ No___

5. Have you ever had a vision or a dream that came true?

Yes___ No___

6. Have you ever had a successful session with a Ouija Board?

Yes___ No___

7. Do you have an open mind about the supernatural?

Yes___ No___

8. Would you refuse to spend the night in a "haunted” house?

Yes___ No___

9. Do you meditate?

Yes___ No___

10. Have you retained the childlike ability, simply to "accept” new experiences without distorting preconceptions?

Yes___ No___

11. Are you more likely to make decisions using your "gut feeling” than your "thinking logic?”

Yes___ No___

12. Have you ever been told that psychic ability runs in your family?

Yes___ No___

13. Do you wear black 90% (or more) of the time?

Yes___ No___


Give yourself one point for each "yes” answer.
Scores 1 – 4
Your psychic ability has not been fully developed. Perhaps, your personality is rational and pragmatic and you prefer to see "phenomena” that can be explained by logic. However, if you are interested in improving you psychic ability you can practice meditation and open yourself up to new experiences. There are on-line sites that offer information about and guidance in the fascinating world of the supernatural, which has a virtual Ouija Board. Werner Heisenberg (Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science) wrote, "… many new elementary particles may be created from the available energy and the old particles may have disappeared…” In other words, something dies and something new is created from its residual energy. Makes sense to me. Is this a possible explanation for the presence of ghosts…if, indeed, they exist? See, logic and reason…
Scores 5 – 8
You are coming along quite nicely. Your score indicates that you are open to unique experiences and you esteem an open, inquisitive mind.
Scores 9 – 12
It is certainly possible that you have psychic ability. Your score is very encouraging. You, as well as the last group, may have experienced the supernatural. It would be a pity if you did not learn more about this enthralling subject and about your innate ability. Look at the sites listed and perhaps take a ghost tour, plan a vacation to spots that are rumored to be haunted and read some scholarly books on the paranormal. Good ghost hunting!

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